Talent yield coalition inc.
sponsor of:
The Marcelous-Williams Resource Center
-Dedicated To” Saving Our Youth”
-Promotion of “Individual Empowerment”
-Avocation of “Coalition Building*
A 501(c)3 non-profit organization

About Talent Yield Coalition Inc.
Talent Yield Coalition Inc. was organized in the spring of 1990 with programs designed to help youth 13 through 21. The organization's objectives were to provide structured programs and resources for at risk youth-- or youth most likely to get involved in negative street activities. The coalition started with over 100 young people from low income homes across Houston and Harris County which served over 300 youth.
However, like most programs when designed for an age group, the relationships evolve into what we have found to be an assignment to a generation. Encompassing both previous and future generations. The realizations that repetition of previous generations mistakes as well as current failing programs seldom meet the needs of the next generation.
Constant technological advances; human adaptability to understand and operate in such a high speed and stress filled environment; and the failing of moral and ethical values gives each generation a host of unpredictable future obstacles to address. Particularly since the current generation is in a struggle to undo the wrongs and mistakes of their predecessor.
Hence, the need for us to stop, regroup and start anew is imperative. It's "Back to Basics" and Reviewing What Works and Why". By developing programs that address "The Whole Nine Yards", thus, we at Talent Yield Coalition Inc. after more than eighteen years of serving as gate keepers; front line warriors and coalition builders; are committed to the premise that we must look at the big picture, with focus on not just the here and now but the now (Alpha) to the future and beyond (Omega).